A school boy from this backward village in Dakshina Kannada in his avatar as chief minister D V Sadananda Gowda on Tuesday loosened purse strings of the state treasury to put it on the accelerated path to development. The chief minister's largesse for the day is Rs 9.25 crore aimed at addressing the most basic needs of the village - identified once by a media survey as the most backward village in DK.
The goodies bag did not stop there. The CM addressing his village elders and Gen Next from the very school premises in the village that he grew up said, "Sullia taluk as a whole will get Rs 79 crore during the current fiscal for its various development needs. I have allocated special grants of Rs 5 crore for each of the eight assembly taluks in Dakshina Kannada district in the budget," the CM said.
Observing that he never dreamt of standing before his villagers as chief minister he said, "This is mainly due to the blessings of all, village deity and the opportunity given to me by my party that I have come to this exalted position."
The BJP deserved the credit for giving even a person, who hailed from a remote backward village, to occupy the top post in the state, CM said adding he would ensure that none of his acts brought disgrace to the village ever.
Defending the largesse that includes Rs 4 crore for development of Sullia-Ajjavara-Mandekolu-Addoor inter-state road, bridge across Payaswini on Jalsoor-Muroor-Mandekolu Road at Muroor at the cost of Rs 4 crore, development of Baithadka-Mandekolu Road at a cost of Rs 80 lakh and bridge at Mavinapalla on the Baithadka-Mandekolu at a cost of Rs 45 lakh, the chief minister said, "It is my vision to see no village in the state remains backward."
Asserting that he has maintained a clean slate in the last eight months at the helm of affairs, the CM said it was his firm belief that corruption in the administration could be rooted out with timely delivery of vital services to people. "Sakala is the instrument chosen by me for this purpose. Lack of hands in providing transparent administration is a issue. But, I will manage the situation and am determined to stop corruption," the chief minister added.